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08h00 Registration opens

Location: Doubletree Hilton, Dublin city centre
Date: Wednesday 25 May 2016
Directions to the Doubletree Hilton

Conference moderator: Karel Van Hulle (biography)
Professor, KU Leuven, Belgium and Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany


09h00 Welcome

Sergio Balbinot (biography)
President, Insurance Europe
Member of the board of management, Allianz SE, Germany

Opening address
Professor Philip Lane (biography)
Governor, Central Bank of Ireland


09h30 Global industry panel | the regulatory impact on customers

Gabriel Bernardino (biography)
Chairman, European Insurance & Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
Rowan Douglas
CEO, capital, science & policy practice, Willis Towers Watson, UK
Paul Mahon (biography)
President & CEO, Great-West Lifeco Inc.
Mike McGavick (biography)
Chairman, Geneva Association
CEO, XL Group, Ireland

Thomas Sullivan (biography)
Associate director, US Federal Reserve Board


10h45 Keynote 

Burkhard Balz MEP (biography)


11h15 Morning coffee break


11h45 Parallel sessions

Session A | Global economic shift & growth markets
Moderator: Karel Van Hulle (biography)

Andrea Keenan
Vice-chair, Microinsurance Network
Senior managing director, industry relations, A.M. Best, USA

David McMillan
Chairman, global health insurance and CEO, Europe, Aviva, UK
Craig Thorburn (biography)
Lead insurance specialist, World Bank

Session B | Technological advances: The distribution channels of tomorrow
Moderator: Torbjörn Magnusson (biography)

Vice-president, Insurance Europe
President & CEO, If P&C Insurance, Sweden

Valter Trevisani (biography)
Head of insurance & reinsurance, Generali Group, Italy
Cécile Wendling (biography)
Head of foresight, Axa Group, France

Session C | Our customer in tomorrow's world
Moderator: Matt Cooper (biography)

Broadcaster and author, Ireland
Brian Hayes MEP (biography)
Bernard Sheridan
Director, consumer protection, Central Bank of Ireland


Session D | Global and European stability: policy and regulatory implications
Moderator: Governor Dirk Kempthorne (biography)

Chairman, Global Federation of Insurance Associations (GFIA)
President & CEO, American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI)

Nathalie Berger
Head, insurance & pensions unit, European Commission Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services & Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA)
John Huff (biography)
President, National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), USA
Director, Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration, USA


12h45 Lunch


14h00 Keynote 

Professor Peter Maas (biography)
University of St Gallen, Switzerland


14h30 Parallel sessions' review

Key outcomes from the parallel sessions


15h15 Afternoon coffee break

15h45 Strategy panel | The customers of the future

John Huff (biography)
President, National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), USA
Director, Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration, USA

Patrick Manley
CEO, general insurance EMEA, Zurich Insurance Group, Ireland
Victoria Saporta (biography)
Chair, executive committee, International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)
Director of financial policy, prudential policy directorate, Bank of England

Mario Vela (biography)
Chairman, Association of Mexican Insurance Companies (AMIS)
CEO, GNP Seguros, Mexico

Gordon Watson (biography)
Regional chief executive, AIA Group, Hong Kong


17h00 Closing address 

Sergio Balbinot (biography)
President, Insurance Europe
Member of the board of management, Allianz SE, Germany


19h00 Insurance Ireland 30th anniversary gala dinner 

Dress code: dark suit/cocktail dress
