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Delegate information

This section provides further details about attending the Summit as a delegate.

Who attends?
The Summit is a unique educational gathering, strictly by invitation only to leading captive owners playing an integral role in directing the corporate captive with UK based risk. 

Those eligible to attend as delegates will receive an official invitation including a unique login, which will allow them to confirm their registration. It is FREE for delegates to attend the Summit.

Why attend?
The Summit is a productive, engaging yet discreet forum for a select group of risk and insurance professionals to develop their knowledge and establish new contacts.

The agenda consists of one open panel-led conference session, and five roundtable sessions covering a variety of topics – designed to allow all delegates the ability to attend all sessions relevant to their business.

Each roundtable will be led by a leading captive owner to ensure the issues that really matter are discussed in depth.

The Summit will provide you with plenty of formal and informal networking opportunities, including a lunch and drinks reception. This will allow you to engage with attendees on a 1-2-1 basis and make valuable new contacts with other leading risk managers and captive owners.

What is included in your delegate package?
Delegates to the Summit receive the following complimentary guest package:

  • Seminar content

  • Networking activities

  • Lunch

  • Refreshments


    Venue information

    Clothworkers' Hall
    Dunster Court
    Mincing Lane
    EC3R 7AH


    Event timings

    Thursday 11 February 2016
    08:45 - 18:00 - Conference
    18:00 - 19:00 - Drinks Reception 


    How to register

    If you think that you are eligible to attend and would like to find out more about becoming a delegate, please contact Charlotte Sik at
