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Schedule at a Glance

 *Please note - the schedule below is subject to change

Sunday, March 6

10:00 am-5:00 pm
Exhibitor Set-Up

11:00 am-8:00 pm
Conference Registration 

12:30 pm-tee-off
Golf Tournament
Sponsored by State of Vermont

2:00-5:00 pm
Tennis Mixer

6:30-8:00 pm
Opening Networking Reception in Exhibition Area. Join us as we kick off of the 2016 CICA International Conference.

Monday, March 7

7:30-8:30 am
Networking Breakfast in Exhibit Area

8:15-8:45 am
First Time Attendee Orientation

9:00-10:45 am
Opening General Session with Awards Presentation and Featuring Keynoter Peter Navarro 
Over the past decade, Peter Navarro has been a keynote speaker on management, finance, global politics and the economy at hundreds of events. Navarro's unique and internationally recognized expertise lies in his big picture application of a highly sophisticated but easily accessible macroeconomic analysis of the business environment and financial markets for investors and corporate executives.

10:45-11:00 am
Networking Break in Exhibit Area

11:00 am-12:00 pm
301: Power of Captives
101: Big Basics: Captives/RRGs 101
201: Will the Real Cyber Solution Please Stand Up?

12:00-1:30 pm
Networking Lunch in Exhibit Area
Sponsored by Imperial PFS

1:30-2:30 pm
201: Expanding Captive Boundaries via Reinsurance
201: Implement Big Strategies-Expand Value with a Captive
201: Small Captives: As the World Turns

2:30-3:00 pm 
Exhibit Area Networking Break

3:00-4:00 pm
201: Managing Mega Complex Claims
301: A Tour of Global Insurance Regulatory Activity

4:15-5:15 pm
Captive Association Leadership Council Meeting
Domicile Regulator Meeting 

5:30-7:00 pm
Networking Reception in Exhibit Area 

Tuesday, March 8

7:30-8:30 am
Networking Breakfast in Exhibit Area

8:30-9:30 am
201: Healthcare Captive Trends – Changes in Captive Utilization & Impacts of the Affordable Care Act
201: The Evolving Horizons of Employee Benefit Captives
301: Next Gen. ERM

9:30-10:00 am
Networking Break in the Exhibit Area

10:00-11:00 am
101: Big Industry Issues from the Captive Association Leadership Counsel
201: Bolstering Your Captive's Value Through Analytics
201: Once, Twice Three Times a Captive: Emerging Risks

11:15 am-12:15 pm
101: Soup to Nuts: Concept to Feasibility
201: Lookout: Accounting and Auditing Outlook
301: Total Cost of Risk: The Captive Focus

12:15-1:15 pm
Networking Lunch in Exhibit Area

1:15-2:15 pm
201: Big Thoughts from CICA’s 2016 Captive Market Survey Participants
201: Use Design Thinking to Spur Captive Innovation
201: Captive Investments: Balancing Risk and Reward

2:30-3:30 pm
201: Key Communications to Maximize Value of Your Actuarial Reports
301: Closing Time: Captive Exit Strategies

3:45-4:45 pm
301: Tax Update for Captive Business Today

5:00-6:30 pm
Networking Outdoor Reception

Detailed Agenda


Monday, March 7

7:30-8:30 am
Networking Breakfast in the Exhibit Area

8:15-8:45 am
First Time Attendee Orientation
New to CICA? Join us to learn more about the organization and how to best utilize your time at the International Conference.

9:00-10:45 am
Opening General Session with Awards Presentation and Featuring Keynoter Peter Navarro
Over the past decade, Peter Navarro has been a keynote speaker on management, finance, global politics and the economy at hundreds of events. Navarro's unique and internationally recognized expertise lies in his big picture application of a highly sophisticated but easily accessible macroeconomic analysis of the business environment and financial markets for investors and corporate executives.

11:00 am-12:00 pm
301: Power of Captives 
The right strategic partners, program, and captive domicile can help executives from risk management, finance, and human resources collaborate and achieve an ERM solution utilizing a captive. With the return of the expedited approval process (ExPro) by the Federal Department of Labor, interest is heating up for employee benefit captives. In this session, we'll explore a Hawaii captive as a case study to help you cost effectively implement employee benefits and build an ERM template.
Speakers: Paul Wagner, Vice President, Alternative Risk Techniques, AGL Resources; James D. Cortiglia, Regional Benefits Executive, East Region Corporate Life & Pensions, Zurich Global Life, North America

101: Big Basics: Captives/RRGs 101

Join the panelists for a living room style discussion pertaining the basics of Captives & RRGs. The moderator will interact with the panelists exploring the concepts from what is a captive to why form a captive and what are the benefits. The captive owners will share their experiences and best practices throughout the feasibility, implementation and operation of a captive.
Moderator: Sandy Bigglestone, Director of Captive Insurance, State of Vermont, Dept. of BISHCA Speakers: Anne Marie Towle, VP & Senior Captive Consultant, Willis Captive Consulting; James Pingel, Secretary, Treasurer,  Vice President, FreSeguro, Inc; Mark Tabler, COO, Innovative Physician Solution, RRG

201: Will the Real Cyber Solution Please Stand Up?
This session will address the current round up of how Cyber Liability Insurance is developing, what is and what is NOT happening in the cyber world, and how captives are helping move the cyber market and contribute to the coverage conversation.
Moderator: Michael Douglas, Director, Business Development, Captive Insurance-Aon Risk Solutions
  Peter Mullen, Chief Executive Officer, Captive & Insurance Management, Aon Global Risk Consulting; Stephanie Snyder Tomlinson, National Sales Leader – Cyber Insurance, Aon Professional Risk Solutions – Financial Services Group; Alec Cramsie, TMB Focus Group Leader London, Beazley Group

12:00-1:30 pm
Networking Lunch in the Exhibit Area
Sponsored by: Imperial PFS

1:30-2:30 pm
201: Expanding Captive Boundaries via Reinsurance
This session will investigate the many ways in which reinsurance can be utilized to expand your captive’s operational horizons, while also helping to optimize captive performance. Reinsurance benefits to be explored include: increased capacity; loss ratio stabilization; geographic expansion; product and service offerings enhancement; underwriting and claims management assistance; ERM development assistance and rating agency support; and “match-making” assistance with fronters, MGAs and other potential partners.
Speakers: Salvatore Sama, Sr. VP, SwissRe; Ian Sawyer, Head of US Causality Reinsurance London, XL Catlin; Andrew Wheeler, Director, BMS Group Ltd.

201: Implement Big Strategies-Expand Value with a CaptiveWe hear how captives often become a strategic advantage: creating better managed risks; enhancing top line sales; reducing operating costs; aligning incentives for organizational change; etc. To get there involves tracking and sharing data, inducing best practices, managing the individual’s risks perception; ultimately leading to a sustainable risk management culture. We will share specific and practical examples from single parent captives, RRGs and group captives on just how captive leaders can add significant value to the organization.
Speakers: Ryan Ralston, President, Ralston RMC; Michael Bemi, President and CEO, National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc.

201: Small Captives: As the World Turns
This session will discuss the ins, outs, and pitfalls of small captives and making an IRC section 831(b) election. An update on the recent legislation regarding small captives will be provided.
Speakers: Charles Lavelle, Sr. Partner/Bingham Greenbaum Doll, LLP; Daniel Kusaila, Tax Partner, Crowe Horwath, LLP; Anne Marie Towle, VP & Senior Captive Consultant, Willis Captive Consulting

2:30-3:00 pm
Networking Break - Exhibit Area (No Sessions)

3:00-4:00 pm
201: Managing Mega Complex Claims
In an ever more complex world of regulatory considerations, an increasingly scrutinized environment vis-à-vis ‘substance’ in captive insurance arrangements, and multifaceted considerations around local and international taxation and finance, large national and multinational captive practitioners are moving toward employing specialist claims investigation expertise in managing some of their most complex, high-visibility, high-value claims, especially when it involves cross border claims financing.
Speakers: Sean Rider, Managing Director, Consulting & Development, Willis; Cullen Sophy, Senior Vice President-Head of Specialty Services, Cunningham Lindsey

301: A Tour of Global Insurance Regulatory Activity
A survey of regulatory initiatives being developed by insurance supervisors around the world. While much of the specific regulatory activity is targeted at commercial insurers, there are some common themes across jurisdictions that can help illuminate best practices that could also apply to captives. By thinking beyond the regulations specifically tailored to captives we can more effectively manage our captives today and potentially anticipate future changes in captive regulation that could impact our companies tomorrow.
Speakers:  Matt Kilough, Consulting Actuary, Milliman, Inc.; Dave Provost, Deputy Commissioner-Captive Insurance, Vermont Department of Financial Regulation; Shelby Weldon, Director, Insurance, Bermuda Monetary Authority

4:15-5:15 pm
Captive Association Leadership Council Meeting

5:30-7:00 pm
Networking Reception in the Exhibit Area

Tuesday, March 8

7:30-8:30 am
Networking Breakfast in the Exhibit Area

8:30-9:30 am
201: Healthcare Captive Trends – Changes in Captive Utilization & Impacts of the ACA
This session will explore the increased utilization of captives by hospitals and health systems in light of the ACA and other healthcare industry trends. Topics addressed include the use of captives to support physician integration strategies, the nexus of healthcare captives and state Patient Compensation Funds, addressing the increasing frequency and severity of healthcare cyber breaches, Wage & Hour coverage, Punitive Damages, and financing other difficult to predict risks.
Moderator: Bruce Whitmore, Vice President & Senior Resource Consultant, Willis
Speakers: Courtney Claflin, Captive Director at University of California; Tom Jones, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery LL; Arthur RandolphPinnacle Actuaries

201: The Evolving Horizons of Employee Benefit Captives
This session gives attendees a look back at some of the employee benefits captives over the years; evaluating the success of these programs and where they are now:

  • Did they meet the objectives they originally set?

  • Has it been a positive experience for these companies financially and administratively?

  • Have cost savings met projections?

  • Has the scope of benefits in their captive expanded?

  • What is next for these companies in terms of risk financing?

The presentation will include interviews and first-hand accounts of the captive owners and other stakeholders.
Speaker: Peter Bandarenko, Head of New Marketing Development, Spring Consulting

301: Next Gen. ERM
Have you thought about cyber risk, reputational risk or supply chain risk within your ERM program? Hear from a panel of captive experts who have gone through the life cycle from start-up to maturity, how branding has been incorporated into their risk management effort. What is the next generation for ERM look like for your captive?
Moderator: Alan Kandel, Business Development Manager, A.M. Best
Speakers: Gary Langsdale, University Risk Officer, Pennslyvania State University; Michael Serricchio, Sr. VP, Marsh

9:30-10:00 am
Networking Break- Exhibit Area (No Sessions)

10:00-11:00 am
101: Big Industry Issues from the Captive Association Leadership Counsel
The Captive Association Leadership Council (known as “CALC”) is a group consisting of the leaders of all the captive domicile associations -- both on-shore and off-shore.  CALC meets several times a year to discuss issues and challenges facing the captive industry.  A panel of distinguished association leaders will share with you common regulatory and operational issues that impact the captive industry and what the trade associations, individually and collaboratively, are doing about those issues..
Moderator: Dennis Harwick, President, CICA
Speakers: Rich Smith, President, Vermont Captive Insurance Association

201: Bolstering Your Captive's Value Through Analytics
As captives continue to evolve, many companies are finding value in using analytics to guide their organizations’ strategic risk planning decisions. This session will cover how analytics, in concert with actuarial analysis, are enabling captive owners to make better decisions and take a more comprehensive approach to risk assessment. Guests will learn about the power of quantifying risk and financing a portion of that risk through a captive.
Speakers: Patricia Dillon-Villarreal, Director, Global Risk Finance & Insurance, Starwood Hotels and Resorts; Tina Summers, Vice President-Captive Solutions, Marsh

201: Once, Twice Three Times a Captive: Emerging Risks
Once you have a successful property & casualty captive established, you will likely begin looking at other areas of risk within your company that might be written to realize similar cost savings and plan design control that you are experiencing with your P&C coverage. This session will review some of the emerging risks you might benefit most from writing into a captive…and a few that you might want to stay away from.
Speakers: Karin Landry, Spring Consulting

11:15-12:15 pm
101: Soup to Nuts: Concept to Feasibility
Attendees will hear from a captive manager and an actuary, as well as a captive owner representative.  The panelists will discuss the process of forming a captive, including the feasibility study and the data necessary to complete the analysis.  In addition to the initial formation process, the panelists will discuss the steps necessary for program expansion.  The captive owner will share her experiences of going through the process, and her thoughts as to how it can be done with the most efficiency.
Speakers: Patrick Theriault, Managing Director, Strategic Risk Solutions, Ltd.; Marcia Philpott, Manager, Insurance Services, Risk Management, Salt River Project (SRP); Craig Brophy, Principal & Consulting Actuary, Milliman, Inc

201: Captive Investments: Balancing Risk and Reward 
This session will discuss different types of risks and strategies to employ when managing the investments of a captive insurance company. The session will go over advanced tax strategies for investment management, setting an investment policy statement, fiduciary concerns, as well as hidden risks inside investment plans specifically geared for captive insurance providers.
Speakers: Tony Depasquale, Vice President, Sr. Director, Bank of New York Mellon Wealth Management; Michael McCord, Vice President & Treasurer, NLC Mutual Insurance Company

201: Lookout: Accounting & Auditing Outlook 
This session is designed for accounting professionals, regulators and others who would like to increase their understanding of accounting and auditing matters directly relevant to captive insurance companies. This session will look at the latest accounting and auditing developments impacting the insurance industry and also consider what is on the horizon. During this session we will provide: Highlights of the significant accounting changes most likely to affect the preparation of year-end financial statements; Insight  into how implementation of these standards and others on the horizon could impact captive insurance companies and their management; A summary of the recent FASB standards regarding enhanced loss disclosures for P&C companies.
Speakers: David White, Vice President, AIG Insurance Management Services; Joshua Partlow, CPA
Partner, Johnson Lambert LLP

12:15-1:15 pm 
Networking Lunch in the Exhibit Area

1:15-2:15 pm
201: Big Thoughts from CICA’s 2016 Captive Market Survey Participants
A panel of captive experts will discuss this year’s results. You will learn of the new results to compare and improve your captive.
Speakers: Michael Serricchio, Sr. VP, Marsh; Joel Chansky, Consulting Actuary,  Milliman, Inc.; Ryan Ralston, Consultant, Ralston RMC; Ken Arguello, Risk Manager, Claims and Captive Programs, Dow Corning Corp; Sean Rider, Managing Director, Consulting & Development, Willis Global Captive Practice; Nancy Gray, Regional Managing Director – Americas, Aon Risk Solutions  

201: Use Design Thinking to Spur Captive Innovation
This session will describe how Stanford’s Captive created the “Innovence Lab,” an initiative designed to enable rich engagement with insureds and spur innovation around issues identified in loss data. We will describe how the Lab brings together interdisciplinary, crossinstitutional teams to co-create highly effective, targeted risk management interventions using the tools and processes of decision science and design thinking. Finally, we’ll share lessons learned in creating the center and conducting innovation work.
Speakers: Jeffrey F. Driver, Chief Executive Officer, The Risk Authority Stanford and Chief Risk Officer, Stanford Health Care; Simon J. Mawer, Assistant Vice President, Risk Management, The Risk Authority Stanford

301: Total Cost of Risk: The Captive Focus
This session will explore the role of captives in the annual cost of risk calculation (“COR”), whether proper attention is being paid to premiums and losses retained, and whether the technical aspects of captive insurance are being fully recognized. The panelists’ long acquaintance with COR and RIMS’ annual survey assures a solid background to this hot topic. There will be active debate with the audience about what should be included in captives’ role in the COR.
Moderator: Rick Irvine, Partner Tax Services Limited, PwC Bermuda
 Hugh Rosenbaum, Retired Principal, TowersWatson; Joel Chansky, Partner, Milliman Inc; Jim Blinn, Executive Vice President, Advisen Ltd

2:30-3:30 pm
301: Key Communications To Maximize Value of Your Actuarial Reports 
This session will cover how the communication between the captive manager, the risk manager, and the actuary is the key to maximizing the value that a risk manager can get out of their actuarial report. Session will cover what is included in report, its uses, its limitations, and how communicating information can have an impact on the results contained within the report. Session will also cover some lesser known commonly found metrics in a report. 
Anne Marie Towle, VP & Senior Captive Consultant, Willis Captive Consulting;
Speakers: Mike Meehan, Consultant, Milliman, Inc; Krista Twesme, Vice President Risk Management, Mortenson

301: Closing Time: Captive Exit Strategies 
The marketplace for captive exit solutions is constantly evolving, and we are seeing an increased interest in capacity solutions for captive exit. This session will consist of a panel of captive exit solution capacity providers (along the lines of R&Q, Hanover Re, AlanGray et al) discussing the changing dynamic of the marketplace, their approach to underwriting and pricing exit solutions, and likely a bit of a showcase of their product offerings.
Moderator: Kathleen Waslov, SVP, Sr. Resource Consultant, Willis
Speakers: Ken Pierce, Managing Principal, Vanbridge LLC; Eric Haller, Sr. Vice President, R&Q Quest Management

3:00 pm 

Exhibit Area Dismantle

3:45-4:45 pm 
301: Tax Update for Captive Business Today
A session not to be missed. Tax update to discuss, among other items, changes in IRS position on: deductibility of premium based on Rent-a-Center, Securitas and Healthmark cases, federal excise tax after Validus case, effect on 831(b) cases by a possible decision in the Avrahami case and a discussion of business v. investment risk based on a likely decision in the RVI case. In addition, an update on emerging State premium and income tax issues affecting captive insurers and their owners.
Moderator: Rick Irvine, Partner Tax Services Limited, PwC Bermuda
Speakers: Tom Jones, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery LLP; Bruce Wright, Partner, Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP
