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Large coalition of associations calls on European Council to address flaws in ePrivacy proposal



Insurance Europe has joined a coalition of 66 other associations that has sent a joint letter today to the European Council to express strong concerns about the discussions on the proposal for an ePrivacy Regulation.

The ePrivacy proposal aims to ensure stronger privacy in electronic communications and aligns the rules with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). However, the letter warned that the current scope of the ePrivacy proposal would create a large overlap with the GDPR as it would apply broadly to all products and services in the EU’s connected society. This would effectively replace large portions of the GDPR for a vast majority of data processing activities.

The associations therefore call on the European Council to closely consider the legal bases in the proposal and align them with those available under the GDPR, in order to achieve a more robust, balanced and future-proof ePrivacy text. Consequently, the Council should not to rush into trialogues discussions with the European Parliament on the basis of a flawed text, as this would have serious repercussions for the European economy.

Source: Insurance Europe
