Q: Could you give us an overview of the Hawaii captive industry?
A: Sure. We are now, as of Dec. 31, at 231 active licenses. At the end of 2017, we experienced tremendous growth, and I think we had 30 new captives. We’re the only U.S. domicile that showed any positive growth during that year, which earned us the Large Captive Domicile of the Year Award, which we’re very proud of. We were trying to ride a little bit of that success into ‘18 and ‘19. We had a number of solid formations in ‘18 as well, and as I say, we’re now up to 231 active licenses.
Q: Where are you seeing the growth coming from?
A: We continue to see our standard growth through the Western states, predominantly California, some of the Northwestern states. Where our largest area of growth has come from is Asia, and in particular Japan.
We’ve been going to Japan for 15 years or so, but we’ve really seen an uptick in the new formations within the last three years. In fact, in ‘17, where we had that large growth I was talking about, we had 10 new captives from Japan alone that year. Now the number of Japanese-owned captives is more than 10% of our active licenses.
Q: I understand you have a new commissioner now.
A: We do. As of January, Colin Hayashida became our new commissioner in Hawaii, replaced Gordon Ito who was there for many years. Mr. Hayashida has a wealth of experience in the insurance division in Hawaii.
I’ve had a chance to meet with him and talk with him about our initiatives in the captive industry, and he is very supportive and very knowledgeable about what we’re doing. We look forward to a long and prosperous partnership with the division going forward.
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Source: A.M.Best