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Brilliant Reinsurance (Guernsey) Limited has become Guernsey’s first Chinese insurance company.

The company’s formation is further evidence of the growing ties between Guernsey’s insurance industry and China’s business sector as it follows in the footsteps of the signing of four insurance-related Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) between the jurisdictions over the past 18 months.

光耀再保险公司是由另类风险管理公司(ARM)组建和管理运营的,它专注于劳埃德伦敦金融市场的再保险业务。公司的董事是余宗渐博士和Malcolm Cutts-Watson。
Managed and established by Alternative Risk Management (ARM), Brilliant Reinsurance will focus on business being retroceded from the Lloyd’s of London market. The company’s directors are Dr Yu-Tsung Chien and Malcolm Cutts-Watson.


Brendan Reeves是另类风险管理公司(ARM)的客户服务总监。他说:国际金融界高度关注耿西岛保险业的发展,这对于光耀(耿西)再保险公司的设立,起了非常重要的作用。
Brendan Reeves, Client Service Director at ARM, said the high regard in which Guernsey’s insurance sector is held internationally played an important part in the vehicle’s creation.

“It was important that the Chinese principals felt comfortable with the jurisdiction they were working with and Guernsey certainly met those requirements owing to our reputation as Europe’s number one captive insurance domicile and our well-regarded legal and regulatory environment,” said Mr Reeves.


“The fact that the Guernsey Financial Services Commission was engaged in the company’s set up from beginning to end and was always open to discussion and dialogue was also appreciated by our Chinese counterparts. It was important we developed the right structure for Brilliant Reinsurance and we are delighted to see it finally come to fruition. It’s a really positive step in the international development of ARM to be associated with such an exciting venture.”

Mr Reeves highlighted Guernsey’s close proximity to London and the fact it is in the European time zone as other important factors.

“ 中国金融企业若要拓展国际业务,耿西岛是理想的合作对象。此外,在过去的10年间,耿西岛金融监管局一直在上海有办事处,而且为了提升耿西岛金融服务质量的国际形象,开展了许多卓有成效的工作。”
“Logistically, Guernsey is really well placed for Chinese businesses expanding their focus internationally. In addition, Guernsey Finance has had an office in Shanghai for the past 10 years and done a lot of valuable work over that period in raising the profile of Guernsey’s offering in financial services.”

耿西岛财政部执行副部长Kate Clouston说,近几年耿西岛官方签订了4份保险业谅解备忘录,最近的两份都是在今年3月份签订的,一份是耿西岛金融服务委员会和中国保监会签的,还有一份是耿西岛财政部和北京机场核心经济区(重要的中国商务中心)的签的。这些都说明了耿西岛越来越成为离岸金融的热土,对于此,我真的很欣喜。
Guernsey Finance Deputy Chief Executive Kate Clouston said she was delighted to see business opportunities emerging from the region, particularly in the wake of the four insurance-related MoUs, the most recent of which were signed in March this year by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, as well as Guernsey Finance and the Beijing Airport Economic Core Zone – a key Chinese business centre.

Clouston女士还说 “最近几年,耿西岛和中国的友好合作关系发展迅速。耿西岛在金融服务的许多领域提供非常专业的服务,声誉卓著,对于此,我们非常欣喜。”
“Guernsey’s ties with China have rapidly developed in recent years, and we are very pleased that the island has gained such a positive reputation there as an expert in many different areas of financial services,” said Miss Clouston.

“ 保险业是关乎国计民生的产业,它的稳步发展能为各方带来很多机会。我们期望能尽可能地帮助更多的中国保险公司拓展它们的国际业务。”
“The insurance sector in particular is yielding new opportunities across the board and we look forward to helping Chinese companies enhance the international aspects of their work.”

来源:耿西岛金融局 2017-11-27
