自保公司名称 母公司 成立日期 行业 国家
Nautilus Insurance Pte Ltd. National Australia Corporated 1988 金融业 新加坡
Its parent is the Spofford Group Insurance Brokerage, Specialists in management liability and related coverages.
In today’s challenging legal environment, an “off the shelf” insurance solution is not enough. Regulators, stockholders and plaintiffs’ bar continue to find new and creative ways of bringing management liability claims against banks, private equity and venture capital firms, investment advisor firms, hedge and mutual funds, family offices, publicly and privately-held companies. As a result, your firm or company’s exposure to risk is complicated, ongoing and ever expanding.
As trusted advisors since 1995 to banks, private equity and venture capital firms, investment advisors, hedge and mutual fund companies, family offices, publicly traded and privately held companies; The Spofford Group focuses exclusively on the complex world of management liability, professional liability exposures and related coverages.