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Atel Re


History of Atel (Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity)

Alpiq History

Over 100 years ago daring entrepreneurs helped the electricity business to achieve a breakthrough in Switzerland. Among the pioneers of this industry were the founders of Atel. The company has evolved from a regional power station to become an important international energy services provider.

Atel's history: tradition and progress

The story of Atel begins in 1894 with a regional electricity plant in Olten-Aarburg. Less than 20 years later the company was signing the first contracts to deliver energy abroad. In 1933 Atel commissioned the legendary high-tension line over the St Gotthard Pass, and three years later it merged with Ofelti to become Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity – or Atel, for short.

In 1975 Atel and Emosson completed Switzerland's second-largest storage power station, and four years later the Gösgen nuclear power station went on stream. Another milestone was reached in 2000, with Atel's acquisition of the GAH Group, a leading energy service provider in Germany. And in 2002 Atel also purchased Edipower of Italy, Csepel of Hungary, and ECKG and Entrade in the Czech Republic.

Atel milestones – a chronology

2008: Atel shares are delisted from the SIX Swiss Exchange and only Atel Holding shares continue to be traded.

2007: Atel's parent company, formerly Motor-Columbus and renamed Atel Holding, submits a swap offer for the Atel shares.

2005: Atel acquires the Moravske Teplarny power station in the Czech Republic. Completion of the 380-kV line over the Nufenen Pass. UBS sells its 55.6% stake to Motor-Columbus Ltd. Planned merger of Atel and EOS.

2002: Acquisition of Edipower (Italy), Csepel (Hungary), ECKG and Entrade (Czech Republic)

2000: Acquisition of the GAH Group, a leading energy services provider in Germany.

1998: Atel launches the first electricity price index on continental Europe.

1979: Gösgen nuclear power station goes into operation.

1975: Completion of Emosson – second-largest reservoir in Switzerland

1970: Flumenthal hydroelectric station goes into operation.

1967: Long-term energy supply contract with Enel in Italy.

1952: Move to new headquarters in Olten.

1949: Completion of the Lukmanier power line as the second North-South transversal

1947: Completion of the Lucendro storage power station.

1936: Merger with Officine Elettriche Ticinesi SA to create Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel).

1933: The 55-kilometer long 150-kV high-voltage line over the St Gotthard goes onstream.

1917: Gösgen hydroelectric station with a capacity of 45,000 hp goes on-grid.

1912: First energy supply contracts with France and Germany.

1894: Foundation of Elektrizitätswerke Olten-Aarburg AG. Construction of the Ruppoldingen hydroelectric station with capacity of 2500 hp.
